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【nakshatra and rasi list】How Should Investors Feel About ENGIE SA’s (EPA:ENGI) CEO Pay?

In 2016 Isabelle Kocher was appointed CEO of ENGIE SA (


【nakshatra and rasi list】How Should Investors Feel About ENGIE SA’s (EPA:ENGI) CEO Pay?

). This nakshatra and rasi listanalysis aims first to contrast CEO compensation with other large companies. Then we’ll look at a snap shot of the business growth. And finally – as a second measure of performance – we will look at the returns shareholders have received over the last few years. The aim of all this is to consider the appropriateness of CEO pay levels.

【nakshatra and rasi list】How Should Investors Feel About ENGIE SA’s (EPA:ENGI) CEO Pay?

View our latest analysis for ENGIE

【nakshatra and rasi list】How Should Investors Feel About ENGIE SA’s (EPA:ENGI) CEO Pay?

How Does Isabelle Kocher’s Compensation Compare With Similar Sized Companies?

At the time of writing our data says that ENGIE SA has a market cap of €29b, and is paying total annual CEO compensation of €2.9m. (This is based on the year to 2017). While this analysis focuses on total compensation, it’s worth noting the salary is lower, valued at €1.0m. When we examined a group of companies with market caps over €7.0b, we found that their median CEO compensation was €3.6m. There aren’t very many mega-cap companies, so we had to take a wide range to get a meaningful comparison figure.

That means Isabelle Kocher receives fairly typical remuneration for the CEO of a large company. Although this fact alone doesn’t tell us a great deal, it becomes more relevant when considered against the business performance.

You can see a visual representation of the CEO compensation at ENGIE, below.

ENXTPA:ENGI CEO Compensation January 2nd 19

Is ENGIE SA Growing?

ENGIE SA has increased its earnings per share (EPS) by an average of 74% a year, over the last three years Its revenue is up 4.2% over last year.

Overall this is a positive result for shareholders, showing that the company has improved in recent years. It’s good to see a bit of revenue growth, as this suggests the business is able to grow sustainably.

It could be important to check

this free visual depiction of

what analysts expect

for the future


Has ENGIE SA Been A Good Investment?

Given the total loss of 3.8% over three years, many shareholders in ENGIE SA are probably rather dissatisfied, to say the least. So shareholders would probably think the company shouldn’t be too generous with CEO compensation.

In Summary…

Isabelle Kocher is paid around what is normal the leaders of larger companies.

We like that the company is growing EPS, but we find the returns over the last three years to be lacking. Considering the improvement in earnings per share, one could argue that the CEO pay is appropriate, albeit not too low. CEO compensation is one thing, but it is also interesting to

check if the CEO is buying or selling ENGIE (free visualization of insider trades).

Story continues

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intuitive graph

showing past earnings and revenue


To help readers see past the short term volatility of the financial market, we aim to bring you a long-term focused research analysis purely driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis does not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements.

The author is an independent contributor and at the time of publication had no position in the stocks mentioned. For errors that warrant correction please contact the editor at

[email protected]


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